Wednesday 25 September 2013

Examples of Good and Bad Environmental Portraits

Examples of Good Environmental Portraits

I personally like all of these environmental portraits because they show the personalities and the pass-times of the people being photographed. They are straight forward although they feel a little too posed in some cases.

These two I consider good because you do get a sense of what the person is doing/ what they enjoy but they are not great, they are too close up and don't show enough environment.

Examples of Bad environmental Portraits 

These three aren't good environmental portraits because you are missing the environment -.- Only in the last one do you get some sense of where the person is and what he is doing, the other two are just mysteries to the viewer.

This portrait is simply too confusing, the main focus is the man in the suit in the center but how long can you actually keep your focus on him? Yes there is environment but there are too many elements in it.
I like the idea used for this portrait but for a PORTRAIT more detail is needed, the fence takes away from the image and distracts your eyes from the scene you're looking at. 

All of these images have been taken from other photographers, none of them belong to me.

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